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Alarm telefon: 112

Security telephone for foreigners: 0800-200-300, (0)608-599-999

Ambulance service: 999 or 75-755-22-22

Fire service: 998

Police: 997

Municipal police: 986

Gas service: 992 or 75-776-14-61

Energetic service: 991

Emergency road service: 75-771-59-29, 0 601-792-133, 75-771-76-60, 0 607-200-644, 75-771-97-73, 0 601-396-734

We use cookies

We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential for the operation of the site, while others help us to improve this site and the user experience (tracking cookies). You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow cookies or not. Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site.